Issue 110

Issue 110

Inside Issue 110:


Boudoir vs. Swimwear

Michael Sasser and Anita Sadowska compare two similar but different portrait genres: boudoir and swimwear. Featuring Too Hot to Handle’s Brittan Byrd, they offer tips on how to find ideal clients for the respective genre and how they successfully market their photography businesses.


Dynamic Musician Portraits

Capture classic and memorable musician portraits with flexibility and variety. Pete Coco shares guidelines on how to start a photo session with a musician, including the proper and creative ways to incorporate an instrument in the composition. 


Maximizing a Three-Point Lighting Setup

Get creative results such as the Rembrandt effect with a few adjustments using a versatile three-point lighting setup. Barry Mountford maximizes his home studio setup to make photoshoots efficient. 


Sexy Magazine Shoot

Have you ever wondered how to arrange a successful collaboration and get your sexy portraits published in a magazine? André Felix discusses how to make your photography project smooth and efficient when working with a professional team of top model, art director, make-up artists, and location owners. 


  • Michael Sasser

  • Anita Sadowska

  • Pete Coco

  • Barry Mountford

  • André Felix


  • Mark Gaso

  • Bienna Cornacchia

Editor-in-Chief: Mac Gaso

On the Cover: Brittan Byrd

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