Issue 108

Issue 108

Inside Issue 108:

Luxurious Boudoir

Learn how to set up a luxurious boudoir with creative sets and atmosphere. Jeff Bennion takes us on a tour of how he leverages six elegant sets in terms of lighting, rapport, and providing an outstanding experience to clients.

Boudoir Marketing Strategies

Tanya Smith reveals the most unique challenges when it comes to marketing boudoir. She shares ten tried and tested ways to get more inquiries and get clients to book your photography services.

The Versatility of the 35mm

Amid the cold winter breeze, Stine Jense pulls off a summer fashion shoot using a 35mm prime lens. Using natural light throughout the photoshoot session, she shares how shooting RAW and slightly underexposed in camera can mitigate the blown-out sky background.

Colorful Bridal Portraits

For this DIY portrait tutorial, wedding photographer Alexa Geibel values the benefits of experiment-styled shoots. She made use of a cut-through cardboard, color gels and reflective prisms for a creative bridal portrait session.


  • Tanya Smith

  • Jeff Bennion

  • Alexa Geibel

  • Stine Jensen


  • Mark Gaso

  • Bienna Cornacchia

Editor-in-Chief: Mac Gaso

On the Cover: Emily Kogan

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